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Two-week-remote-work for Mobile Application Building

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Mobile Application Building

Are you planning to develop a mobile application and need to build a remote team for it? There’s no denying that building a team of remote workers will come with its own set of challenges. For example, fostering effective communication among the team members is going to be tricky. It will also require some time to ensure that the team members trust each other. But you will have to figure out how to build a remote team while dealing with these potential challenges.  

In this article, you will find comprehensive guidance about building an effective remote team for developing a mobile application in two weeks. First, you are required to form a proper structure and establish what you expect from them. However, if you want to extract the best performance from the remote working team, you must provide them with the best tools. 

Keep reading this article to know in detail about the steps and challenges of building a remote team to develop a mobile application. 

Seven steps to Build An Effective Remote Team for Mobile Application in 2 week

Decide on a Remote Team Structure

If you want to develop an effective remote working team, you have to decide the structure first. The structure of the team will depend exclusively upon you. Are you unable to decide on a structure for your remote working team? You can look at the remote working team structure of established companies to get some ideas. 

Hire the Best Developers

For a team to work efficiently, the workers need to be productive. Therefore, the key to having an effective remote working team is to hire carefully. Conduct a thorough recruitment process to ensure that you can evaluate the talent of each employee. In addition, remote workers need to be more efficient because they can’t be under the direct supervision of the senior executives. 

A few particular things that you need to keep in mind while hiring new members for your remote team are as follows:

  • Good communication skills
  • High expertise in their field of profession
  • Fast response

Establish Clear Guidelines and Expectations

You must establish clear guidelines for your team so that they can fulfill your expectations. Do you want your employees to work a specific set of hours every day? If yes, you must let them know about it before hiring them. Some other guidelines that you must establish before recruiting members for your team are as follows:

  • How frequently the team members should check-in
  • Specific goals to be accomplished by each individual
  • What means of communication to be used for work-related processes
  • Whom to contact for specific issues

You can figure out other ways to communicate expectations to your team depending on the type of work. However, you will be required to ensure that the proper communication of your expectations is accompanied by appropriate implementation.

Maintain Engagement with Your Team

Do you have prior experience in managing a remote team? Have you been a part of any remote team previously? Then you will have the idea of how easy it is to feel disconnected in a remote team. Therefore, one of the most crucial steps to build a remote team is maintaining engagement with the members. 

Isolation can hurt the work quality. Teams with high engagement among members are 21% more profitable. So, you will have to shoulder the responsibility of making your remote workers feel connected. But how can you increase the engagement among team members? Here are some suggestions for you:

  • Hold weekly meetings
  • Ask for feedback from all your team members
  • Plan something fun with your remote workers

Set up Reliable Communication Channels

Healthy communication is one of the most crucial success mantras for organizations, big or small, old or new. But you need to put in extra effort for fostering healthy communication in a remote team. 17% of remote workers complain about the lack of collaboration opportunities. 

But in the digital age, facilitating communication among remote workers is not too tough. There are several channels available, and you need to specify the right channel for each kind of communication. For instance, internal messages can be exchanged through a direct communication platform. But, on the other hand, emails must be used to communicate with the clients. 

Effective communication ensures that all the employees are on the same page. It is also responsible for making employees feel that they can reach one another at any point in time. Furthermore, effective communication is essential in improving the response time and the quality of response among remote team members. Therefore, among the steps regarding “how to build a remote team,” fostering communication is vital. 

Provide the Tools Teams Need to Be Successful

To build a remote team that offers high-quality performance, you have to provide them with the right tools. A project management software and proper channel of communication might be crucial for the success of the team. However, the team might also need some other crucial resources. The requirements might be specific to particular departments or individuals. 

When every member of your remote team has access to the resources they need, you will see an automatic improvement in their quality of work. Furthermore, with the right resources, the remote team’s productivity will also increase, and deadlines can be met faster. Therefore, get in touch with your team members and understand what kind of resources they need. Remember that investing in the resources your team needs will help make your business more profitable in the long run. 

Implement Time Tracking

Are you still wondering how to build a remote team? If yes, do not forget about the old-fashioned way of time tracking. Time tracking is one of the most effective ways to hold employees accountable for satisfying work expectations. 

Time tracking can also be beneficial in helping you determine the flow of work within the team. If you notice inefficiency, you can take measures to mitigate them. You will find plenty of apps that will help you implement time tracking within your team of remote workers. The apps can also be integrated with your project management software or other tools. 

7 Challenges in managing remote teams


One of the biggest challenges of managing remote teams is maintaining proper communication. Facilitating open communication becomes quite difficult when all the team members are working remotely. However, it is crucial to collect insights from all team members for a project to be successful. Every team member needs to know what the other person is working on. It helps in dividing responsibilities and prevents unnecessary conflicts among team members.

Solutions Galore

  • An effective way to solve this problem is to establish a universal platform for all the team members to communicate. 
  • Traditional emails might not be the right option because it often disrupts the flow of communication. 
  • An internal tool for communication must be established among the team members. 

Common questions can be asked on the platform, and the doubts of employees on how to perform a certain task can be resolved. On some platforms, the FAQs can even be accessed by future employees. You can choose any tool you want as long as it fosters two-way communication. The goal is to ensure that the remote workers don’t feel isolated while working on the team project. 

Time and Productivity Tracking

Most managers who handle remote teams are unable to track what their team accomplishes within how much time. As a result, managers of remote teams often fail to comprehend if someone is being underutilized or not using their full potential. This requires knowing the productivity rate of each remote worker. 

Are you trying to figure out ways to track the productivity of your remote workers? Don’t worry. It’s not rocket science. The easiest way to track productivity is by introducing some KPI metrics. The KPI metrics should be the same as your in-office employees. As a manager, your duty will be to acquaint the employees with the performance metrics. It will ensure that the remote workers are aware of what is expected from them.     

Scheduling Difficulties

Are you wondering how to build a remote team and avoid scheduling conflicts? You are bound to face scheduling conflicts when you try to put together a remote team. The differences in time zones make it difficult to schedule even a simple phone or video call. The problem gets amplified when you include freelancers with irregular work schedules. You have to figure out a time that works well for everyone. For that, you will be required to consider the convenience of every employee. 

You can schedule the meeting times using various online tools. The tools can help you conduct polls to fix a time for the meetings. It makes the process of scheduling a little less stressful. It becomes beneficial if the team members can keep an open mind and keep their schedule flexible. 

Sometimes you need to pay the freelancers to attend meetings. If a manager gets paid for attending meetings, do not be surprised if the freelancers ask for payment. If the meeting is mandatory, it might help get the members in the discussion by paying them.

Company Culture

Company culture takes time to get inculcated within the employees. Setting the right culture requires you to hire the right employees first. Whether you want to create a fun culture or professional culture within the company, you have to facilitate healthy communication. But in the case of remote workers, it often becomes challenging to instill a company culture among the workers.

Building Trust

It is essential to build trust among workers for them to work together. Transparency is necessary when you want to ensure that the employees trust each other. A lack of trust will result in unhealthy competition among the workers. Even though a bit of healthy competition needs to be present, too much competition can impact the project negatively.

One-on-One meetings

Team meetings are necessary for project management. But it is also essential to conduct one-on-one sessions. It helps in ensuring that you can provide feedback for the performance of each remote worker. However, it gets difficult to schedule these one-on-one meetings due to the unconditional work schedule of remote workers.

Getting Together in Person

In remote working, the most difficult challenge is to bring the team together to meet physically. Even though the work can be completed from remote locations, sometimes it is required to meet physically. For example, it might be to discuss an important issue or get a particular job done. Moreover, getting a remote team together in person also helps in increasing the bond of the workers. It might help in getting a group together if you hold a conference annually or biannually.


If you want to build a remote team, you have to ensure that you hire the right employees. In addition, remote workers have to be skilled enough to work independently as they won’t get as much supervision as the in-office team. Finally, you will also have to foster healthy communication among the team members and ensure they don’t feel neglected.

When you try to understand how to build a remote team, you will be automatically reminded about a set of potential challenges. The challenges will include scheduling team meetings and building trust among the remote team. But you will have to figure out ways to overcome these challenges. You will have to aim at finding ways to make your remote team productive and effective. 

Do You Need Help Building a Global Remote Team?

Recruit Ninjas is a single platform that provides a comprehensive solution for customers looking to hire and manage global remote talents. We function as your employer of record and manage the whole recruitment process for you, including hiring, compliance, contracts, payrolls, employee retention, and training support. Partner with us to build a competitive global remote team and scale your business successfully.

Andrew Gray

Andrew Gray is the Senior Operations Manager at Vserve Amazon Listing Services, a position he's held since 2021. He is renowned for operational excellence, leading teams to achieve sales growth and enhanced customer service. Andrew's role is crucial in optimizing the company's operations and maintaining its reputation for efficient back-office solutions.

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